Looking Great on Your Wedding Day!

So what are the little tips which you should adhere to look your very best?

* Eat healthy

Yes! Eating healthily is important, not only you feel good outside, you feel good inside too. Try not to overeat to prevent weight gain or to eat oily food that might give you acne.

* Exercise

Exercise regular to keep fit and tone your body. Also to help you lose some unwanted weight during the process. 

* Sufficient Sleep

You might be busy with the wedding preparations and had a lot of late nights. Beware. You might develop dark eye circles or eye bags easily. So do make sure that you have sufficient beauty sleep weeks prior to your bid day.

* Drink lots of water

Hydrating yourself is important as impurities will be flushed out if you drink more water.

* Do your hair about 2 weeks prior to the wedding

If you need a good haircut or color, do get them done at least 2 weeks prior to the big day. This is to prevent any ‘accidents’ in the process.

* Facials and beauty treatments

Ladies and Gentlemen, do your facials or beauty treatments at least 2 weeks prior to the wedding day. Sometimes they might try a new product on you and you might get some side effects. So, do let your skin rest.

* Vitamins supplements

Eat some vitamin supplements such as vitamin C, cod liver oil or evening primrose oil. Helps to keep your skin radiant. They can also help to improve your immune system too!

* Skin care regime

Have a good skin care regime to make sure that your skin looks great. Do scrub twice weekly and pamper your skin with a mask afterwards. Your skin should look great! 

By Anne Lim

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