Make Weight Loss a reality with Diet Pills

One mesmerizing look and they would do any thing for me - beg, borrow, steal. All other women of my age were simply the competition. I detested them and they did likewise. We only collaborated if we had some mutual gain.

They detested me more when I won the prom queen award for three years in a row. I was never attracted to men, who were the rugged football types. I wanted men who smelled of big money. I consistently dated wealthy heirs. 

They provided what I craved for the most - The best clothes, the ideal homes and jewellery, the more upscale and the more famous the designer, the better. somehow managed to get through high school and used my wealthy contacts to get into a wealthy Swiss finishing school. My parents were assured by the school, that when I graduate out - I would be in great demand. I would be snapped up to the marital altar by the first eligible handsome millionaire. Was that a dream or perhaps ? Finishing school was a blur. They had a strict regimen for diet and exercise. Our every gesture was critically analysed to the point that even if I moved my head, that was frowned . We were supposed to breathe, walk, talk and even sleep in a particular way. Body odour was supposedly non-existent and all talk was meant for only one thing - for climbing the social ladder. I thought I would love it, but soon saw through it all. Life in this charmed circle was a fake. Everyone had their own little pert perversion and understandably so - the so called high life was extremely boring. 

But, the school lived up to it's promise. It had a clear role in providing the ageing wealthy men of Europe with beautiful brides. The school organized the official goodbye in the form of a coming of age "Ball". I was charmed when, we were told that it would be held in Vienna, Austria. So we traveled to Vienna. Personally I loved the city and even more so when I met Alexander von Scheller., charming , handsome aristocrat and most importantly an eligible bachelor, a scion of Viennese society.

I was simply swept off my feet as the Viennese Waltz commenced. Alexander was everything I wanted - handsome, stable, mature and most importantly wealthy. That summer was to be the greatest summer of my life. Alexander invited me to stay at his beautiful villa in the heart of old Vienna. Within 2 months to the strains of the music of Mozart, he proposed. I did not think, I accepted without a moment's delay. He was 48 and I was 18. innocent, naïve and foolishly romantic. Our wedding would be the talk of town.

Married life was initially satisfying then it settled into a kind of monotonous humdrum. Life was shopping , cooking and cleaning and lots of gardening. I was soon as good as a professional gardener. Alexander was constantly away at work. He supposedly had a lot of business interests, I realized the truth only when the first pregnant business interest found her way to our house. He had a long line of girlfriends. That's when I realized that men true to character are completely polygamous. I soon lost my naivety and quickly can back to reality... and reality really bites. I packed all my things and took the first flight to London. As I wept through the flight, and could not stop even as my parents and friends consoled me. That is when I began to bloat. I was miserable throughout - I simply ate and ate and cried. It never occurred to me that I needed treatment for this depression. The months simply flew past and it was soon one year after my flight back. Alexander had not even called to check on me. I had expected him to call, woo me back with all kinds of promises, but he did not seem to care. When I saw him on the tabloid pages of "Sun", a young starling on the arm, that I realized what a waist my anguish was.

So, I picked up the meaty pieces of my body and decided to move on . I had gained 30 kg in just one year. I just somehow managed to get myself a job and decided that I would stand on my own two feet. With three months salary, enough downpayment for renting a small apartment, I moved out to live on my own. And, that's when the Godzilla episode happened. I wowed to teach these brats a lesson - I would lose weight and lose it fast and then they would only "gawk". So I began to diet. I decide to stick to a systematic diet regimen that gave me all the vital nutrients and yet at the same time ensured that I stuck to my weight target. My target was simple.I was going to go in for a weight loss of 1 kg per month. Easier said than done. I managed to lose 1 kg in the first month. I lost ½ kg in the second month . That when I decided to add a strong dose of aerobics to my weight loss plan. I went in for an hour of aerobics in the evening. That ensured that I lost 2 kg in the next month. But all this aerobics made me very hungry, I soon began to falter on my diet regimen.

That's when a friend suggested that I try diet pills. I had heard a lot about the so called side-effects of diet pills and was very wary of consuming them without medical supervision. That when I came across an article on safe prescription diet pills. The article ignited my mind and I decide to consult an appropriate dietician who prescribed safe diet pills for me. These pills were truly the best diet pills in the world. There were hardly any side-effects and I rarely felt hungry. I soon lost weight more rapidly and today after 2 years , I have lost 20 kg and gained a lot in terms of health and self-esteem. Today I get propositioned every second day by handsome men who think I look good. I still feel that I have a long way to go before I get back to my old "sexy" self, but life has changed beyond measure. Diet pills have made weight loss a reality for me. They can also do the same for you. Add them to your weight loss regimen today.

by Rosy Parker

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